Beds & box springs
How do I install (or deinstall) my Auping bed or box spring?
On our manuals page you will find an overview of all our beds and box springs, and you can assemble or disassemble your bed or box spring yourself. Is your bed or box spring not listed? Please contact our customer service.
How do I get spare parts for my Auping bed or box spring?
Spare parts (large and small) can be ordered through our Auping Stores. It helps our staff to order the right part by showing a picture of your bed where the part is missing or by taking a picture of the part itself.
Where can I go if I have a complaint about my bed or box spring?
If you made the purchase in one of our Auping Stores, please contact the store where it was purchased. Did you make a purchase via our webshop? Please contact our customer service.
What is the delivery time of our products?
The delivery time can be found on our product pages.
Is it possible to purchase a bed or box spring without mattresses and/or mesh base?
Yes, in the configurator on our website you can put together a bed or box spring without mattresses and/or mesh base.
Can I order accessories for my bed or box spring via the webshop?
Accessories are unfortunately not available separately. Please contact an Auping Store for more information.
Do you have the beds or box springs in stock?
We produce all beds and box springs to order and therefore do not have any physical stock.
How can I use the Auronde Restyle?
This can be done at an Auping Store near you. The costs depend on a number of aspects, such as a headboard, tables or rear element. In addition, some models from an old collection are excluded from the Auronde Restyle, for example the back panel with roller door. The price for restyling starts from €750.